Early March, with temperatures rising, I set out just do hang out a few hours in the sun, listen to birds and to nothing. On my way back, when the sun had just set, I found the first early bloomers in the most gorgeous of evening light. Mainly Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum) and one single Liverleaf (Anemone hepatica).
Early blossomers: Liverleaf, wood anemone and snowdrop /
Right now, while I am writing these lines, the first liverleafs stretch their heads through the ground. Time for me to revisit two wonderful days in spring 2022 with lots of liverleaf (Anemone hepatica), wood anemone (Anemonoides nemorosa and Anemonoides ranunculoides) and snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis).
I am not a botanist, unfortunately. I had a flower lover with me, and without her, I would not have taken these images. This makes me very thankful. I myself overlook the wonder and beauty of plants way too easily, as I have very little knowledge about those beauties.
That’s why there is not much of a story that I can tell here. I leave it to you to behold and wonder and make your own story of it.
PS Oh and of course, I met some animals, too.