Early March, with temperatures rising, I set out just do hang out a few hours in the sun, listen to birds and to nothing. On my way back, when the sun had just set, I found the first early bloomers in the most gorgeous of evening light. Mainly Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum) and one single Liverleaf (Anemone hepatica).
The Botanical Garden /
My hometown of Goettingen boasts not only one, but three huge Botanical gardens, all founded by the university. As one of Germanys oldest universities, the gardens are very old, too. The oldest of the three, subsequently named “Alter Botanischer Garten”, was founded back in 1736 by famous botanist Albrecht von Haller. All three are quite different, but very beautiful. And throughout the year, they are a place of bloom and beauty. Recently, I visited this “Old Botanical Garten” right in the city center, to photograph the spring bloom. While it was midday and the light very, very bright and harsh, I focussed on my recent area of interest, which is high key.
I concentrated on mainly three topics. Pasqueflower, winter heath and grape hyacinth. But I was very happy to notice the humming and buzzing around me. The gardens are home to a lot of wild bees and also bumblebees. And of course, birds. But this is a matter for a different blog post.